Thursday, June 02, 2005

A Google News Experiment Continued

Publiuspundit ran a Google search on hits for human rights abuses combined with countries.

Now, my readers know that some countries are known for human rights abuses while others are known for their tolerance and respect for human rights. You tell me what is wrong with this picture. As Publius notes, the US scored more than 2,000 hits (2,740 to be exact).

Here are a few more searches generated:
Israel 228 - Israel is a perennial whipping boy on the international stage for their defense against terrorists who routinely violate the human rights of Israelis (killing and maiming Israelis doesn't quite count as a human rights violation by Palestinian terrorists according to world opinion).

Palestinians get 188 hits, though most are in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

North Korea 108 - see my comments below.

South Korea 68 - an interesting comparison between a country that actually has a gulag system, and its southern neighbor.

Egypt 204 - Egypt systematically persecuted Islamists, denies free speech for government opponents, and has not had open, free, and fair elections.

Yemen 8 - slave trade doesn't mean much to the world media elites, and neither does rough and poor treatment of women.

Iraq 1,108 - most of these are likely to be outgrowths of US treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib and not the treatment of Iraqis and others by Saddam Hussein, the former tyrant who killed more than 300,000 in his bloody rule.

North Korea, as my dear readers know, is home to the modern day gulag archipelago, while Cuba has a sunny version of the Stalinist vision of work setting you free (well, you'll be released when you die).

I had come across this excellent post at The Jawa Report yesterday. Kudos to Dr. Rusty for assembling a story that the media failed to do - namely a critique of the AI report that presents factual information to readers about what a gulag really is (and was).


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