Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Coughing Up A Name: Deep Throat Is W. Mark Felt

The long national nightmare is over.

We now know who Deep Throat was. Whew.

No more speculation over whether it was Assistant Attorney General Henry Peterson, deputy White House counsel Fred Fielding, ABC newswoman Diane Sawyer, who then worked in the White House press office, Ron Ziegler, Nixon's press secretary, speechwriters Ray Price and Pat Buchanan, and John Dean, the White House counsel, or even a composite of several different people.

Let the speculation begin over why Felt felt it was time to unveil his alter-ego to the world at this time as well as why Felt went to Woodward and Bernstein. Was it to get back at others for being passed over for a promotion at the FBI? Was it personal? Was it to protect the FBI? Or was it out of some sort of belief in due process of law?

We may never know considering the fact that the 91 year old had recently suffered a stroke and his mental facilities aren't what they once were. And, his medical condition also sparked speculation as to why Felt came out now to someone he recently met, instead of going to Woodward or Bernstein to make the final scoop on the Watergate scandal.

More than 30 years later, and simply stating the name Watergate conjures up images of a doomed presidency, gossip, scandal, and Deep Throat.

Now, we have a name.

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