Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Treat For Urban Policy/Civil Engineering Folks

If you are a regular reader and happen to want to know what can happen when civil engineering runs amok, check out Mass Backward, which includes regular reporting on the Big Dig.

As you may know, the Big Dig is the largest civil engineering project in the nation and was designed to improve transportation through Boston by eliminating elevated highways downtown, replacing them with tunnel systems and connecting various highways together and extending the lines to Logan Airport.

Well, they got it done, over budget, over time, and the story is far from over. There are numerous problems with the structures of the tunnels, including water infiltration, improper design, and possible structural deficiencies.

After $14.7 billion, no one really has any idea how much more it will take to make the Big Dig (Central Artery/Tunnel) function properly.

How did the situation come about? Well, check out Mass Backward and see for yourself.

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