Monday, May 04, 2009

Sen. Chris Dodd's Moral Muddle

Let's set aside all his many problems with being the focal point of the financial meltdown and various other ethical flaps.

Let's just focus on this nastiness courtesy of Connecticut Democrat Chris Dodd:

Dodd takes Godwin's law, throttles it, waterboards it, throws it into a plastic shredder, and still finds that what Bush authorized in harsh interrogations is worse than what the Nazis did to murder six million Jews during the Holocaust.

These people have no clue. They are destroying the meaning of the English language with these kinds of pronouncements, and dishonor the memories of those murdered at the hands of the Nazis (who regularly engaged in torture, medical experimentation, rape, and other nastiness and pure unadulterated evil, which in no way shape or form could even remotely be compared to allowing harsh interrogations of three self-admitted terror masters, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who helped plan and instigate the 9/11 attacks.

Dodd also misstates the facts surrounding the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, in claiming that he was waterboarded 180+ times. He was in fact waterboarded a grand total of five sessions, and the 180+ times refers to the individual instances water was sprinkled on his face.

This was done to obtain information of a critical nature to prevent further terrorist attacks, and KSM was no saint. He was behind multiple terrorist attacks and planned dozens of major bombings and high profile attacks, including assassinations, hijacking and destroying multiple airliners, flying hijacked airlines into other buildings, mass casualty attacks, destroying key infrastructure, and causing all manner of mayhem around the world, and focused specifically on US interests worldwide.

Dodd's attempted equivocation between what the Administration did to obtain needed intel and what the Nazis did is reprehensible.

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