Thursday, May 07, 2009

Hsu Wont Fly: Former Clinton Bagman To Plead Guilty

When last we recounted the story of Hillary Clinton's bagman, Norman Hsu, he was awaiting trial. Well, today we learn that he's pleading guilty to 10 charges of wire and mail fraud and operating a Ponzi scheme that defrauded people out of $20 million.

Hsu made illegal political contributions to quite a few politicians, including Sen. Hillary Clinton. (HT: Jammie)

Also receiving largesse from Hsu? Bob Kerrey, and the DSCC, Ed Rendell, NYS AG Andy Cuomo, NYS former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, and the TN and MI Democratic Parties.

Last year, Hsu was sentenced to prison in California for jumping bail and being on the lam for years - and turning himself into a major domo within the Democratic party money machine.

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