Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hsu's On First

Allah points out a Los Angeles Times article that suggests that campaigns regularly use various databases to check potential donors to avoid the very scenario that is unfolding. He suggests that the various campaigns checked the databases, saw that Hsu had a shady background, and didn't care.

He thinks that this is a big problem for Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

This isn't just Hillary's problem, but a problem for all those candidates on Flip's list.

In direct contributions - he gave more to the DSCC, Ed Rendell, NYS AG Andy Cuomo, NYS Gov. Eliot Spitzer, and the TN and MI Democratic Parties. It's when you factor in the additional contributions from the likes of the Paws that Hillary comes out on top.

And for those keeping score - the DSCC is run by none other than Sen. Chuck Schumer.

Presidential candidates Barack Obama and Bill Richardson can’t attack Hillary because they received Hsu’s money as well. The same goes for Sen. Joe Biden, who got affiliated money.

That's quite a lot of money thrown around and no one bothered to check who was giving it? Seems that those widely used databases weren't so widely used by any of the Democrats. Or, did they decide that after seeing Hillary or one of the other big names taking money that it was okay for them to take it as well?

I'm thinking that it's the latter.

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