Saturday, February 07, 2009

Just Another Day In Gaza

Hamas takes over hospitals, fires kassams on Israel, and one of its leading goons sticks his head up in his first appearance since before Operation Cast Lead.

Now, as for the hospitals:
According to Palestinian news agency Ma'an, the Palestinian Health Ministry claimed that Hamas members expelled them and full medical teams from hospital wards despite the serious security situation.

A communiqué put out by the ministry said that "following the unilateral cessation of Israeli aggression against our people, the Ministry of Health, along with all the Palestinian people, was shocked to discover that Hamas militias have returned to their old ways and have expelled all the medical staff responding to the calls of the homeland (to continue their work.) Unfortunately, these same militias used the medical centers, especially in a number of hospitals, converting them into centers for interrogation, torture, and imprisonment."
This is the same situation as during Operation Cast Lead when Hamas not only entered those hospitals for refuge from Israeli airstrikes, but its goons went through the hospitals seeking out those it considered collaborators with Israel and executed them in cold blood.

Hamas cares nothing for the lives of their fellow Arabs, and are concerned instead on its war with Israel. Anything that furthers its war aims is acceptable; whether it is civilian casualties, extrajudicial executions, war crimes, calls for genocide, and violating the Geneva Conventions at every opportunity. It's who they are and what they do.

The Hamas thug caught attempting to bring millions of dollars and euros into Gaza via Egypt apparently got the money from Iran.

Meanwhile, Hamas says that there's no deal for Gilad Shalit, after other reports indicated that there was a deal in the works. That's the same report I've commented upon for years now. Hamas has no intention of releasing Shalit unless Israel empties its prisons of hundreds of terrorists.

And lo and behold, we've got ourselves a flying pig alert: the UN is going to investigate Hamas child abuse. It's so long overdue that I wonder what took them so long. Of course, I don't have much faith in the UN actually acting on its findings because the Arab countries will do all they can to block action.

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