Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hamas Turns Schools and Zoos Into Kill Zones and Ammo Dumps

This should surprise no one. Hamas boobytrapped yet another school in Gaza - rigging it with explosives in the hopes that Israeli forces would be lured in and blow up the school along with the people inside.
IDF forces operating in Gaza on Sunday uncovered an explosive device rigged with a timer that hidden in a Palestinian school. A fuse attached to the explosives extended to a zoo located dozens of yards away.

The soldiers managed to neutralize the bomb before it went off. Numerous weapons, including RPG launchers, grenades and AK-47 assault rifles were found inside the school.
Where are all the so-called human rights groups to demand Hamas cease and desist from using schools as ammo dumps and necessarily placing Gazan civilian lives in jeopardy. There's nothing but silence from these groups, who instead blame Israel for this conflict and the death toll. As Ralph Peters properly notes, Israel's efforts may result in dead Gazans, but Hamas killed all those people.

This is yet more tangible proof of Hamas' depraved indifference to human life. Hamas rigging schools to blow up is reminiscent of the Islamic terrorists responsible for the Beslan massacre. It's the same ideology that has no problem with the mass murder of children and innocents. It's the same ideology that seeks to indoctrinate such children with unending hatred of Israel and Judaism that it must be destroyed at all costs, regardless of the body count.

Carl in Jerusalem reports that Hamas was seeking out children to act as human shields so that if Israel attacks targets, the victims will be children - maximizing the propaganda impact. Sick stuff, but again, it's standard operating procedure for Hamas.

Video of the Hamas depravity:
(HT: Killgore Trout at LGF)

Where are the human rights groups? They're busy complaining that Israel is using white phosphorus (WP) in their war against Hamas in Gaza. Never mind that there is nothing in the Geneva Conventions that prohibit its use - it's used to illuminate targets and to flush out terrorists who are hiding in the warrens of Gaza, but the human rights groups are obsessed with Israel's weapons and tactics all while ignoring genuine war crimes and human rights abuses.

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