Sunday, October 05, 2008

Fatah Preparing to Reignite Palestinian Civil War?

The IDF notes that Fatah is preparing for a major offensive against Hamas in the West Bank. That's a bland way of stating the obvious - that Fatah believes that it is ready to take on Hamas in the West Bank and isn't willing to cede power to Hamas once Abbas' term in office is up. They don't want to turn over the reins of power to Hamas, which would actually completely and utterly derail any talks with Israel over concessions.
Abbas's presidential term is scheduled to end on January 9, and the IDF Central Command is preparing for the possibility that Hamas will try to take advantage of political instability in Ramallah to take over West Bank towns and cities.

In the absence of elections or a compromise with Hamas, according to the Palestinian Authority constitution, Abbas will be replaced by the speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Abdel Aziz Dweik, a member of Hamas who has been in an Israeli prison since August 2006.
Fatah has tried desperately to get a deal done with Israel, even though it continues to make asinine claims and demands on Israel to withdraw and redivide Jerusalem. If it can't make a deal by the end of the year, a deal would be practically impossible should Hamas take over since Israel has no intention of dealing with that terrorist group. Fatah at least talks the talk, which is more than sufficient for the diplomats.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians continue to attempt terrorist attacks against Israel. Yet, because we don't get daily reports of kassam attacks on Sderot or other Israeli areas near Gaza, we're to believe that the hudna is in effect?

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