Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's VP Name Game Continues: UPDATE: Sarah Palin Confirmed As VP Choice

Who's it going to be? Romney is out. Tim Pawlenty? In or out? Out.

Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin? In? Out. She's on the outs with National Review to be sure, but is she still in the running.

The short list keeps getting shorter, although no one is really saying who it would be. McCain did a nice head fake yesterday with luring Drudge and others into thinking that McCain would "leak" the nomination last night during the penultimate night for the DNC. It got people thinking about who it would be, and it was a tactically good move. Now, it is up to McCain to deliver in terms of who his running mate would be.

All of a sudden, a series of news flashes suggesting that McCain has chosen Sarah Palin. That includes CNBC.

So does the Chicago Tribune.

Mark Levin, who's been as harsh a critic of McCain as anyone, thinks that a Palin VP nod would be a tremendous advantage and would get Levin on board. I guess the folks at National Review are having second thoughts about their second thoughts.

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