The morning storm tracks are now indicating the storm is likely to hit Louisiana west of New Orleans, and potentially into Texas.
It doesn't mean that New Orleans is out of the woods yet. Katrina came ashore West of New Orleans, and the levees still failed because of the backside winds and rains.
The storm is still looking to make a direct hit on the central Louisiana coastline. The models are all generally converging on west-central Louisiana, although the GFDL track still takes it to the East.
Gustav is bringing heavy wind and rain to Jamaica. The latest models still show a Louisiana hit, but the models are starting to track Westward away from Louisiana and towards the Texas/Louisiana border. The official NHC track still shows a central Louisiana hit and the GFDL hasn't updated yet.
Meanwhile, Louisiana officials aren't taking chances and are relocating prisoners from Orleans parish to areas further inland as a precaution. That stands in stark contrast to the Katrina response. However, this could prove to be premature as the storm track is still erratic. Officials are clearly erring on the side of caution.
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