Thursday, May 08, 2008

Rather Reaching

"If at first you don't succeed, file another lawsuit" appears to be the mantra of Dan Rather and his "legal team." After getting their first suit tossed, they're back at it trying to claim that CBS blackballed Rather in the industry after his Rathergate fiasco. The judge had allowed Rather to resubmit a case against CBS, but this one will fare no better than the first.

Again, this all goes to credibility. If this ever makes it to discovery, Rather will have to face discovery requests by CBS and depositions that cut to the fact that he purposefully used bogus documents to make a hit-piece against President Bush on the eve of the elections with the hope of causing voters to vote against Bush. He claimed that the documents were substantiated by experts when none ever viewed originals, and they were clearly exposed as fraudulent and bogus by bloggers, including Charles Johnson who put together a handy-dandy flashing image showing how miraculously the supposed documents created in the early 1970s matched precisely a standard Microsoft Word document created with default settings - down to the font, kerning, and margins.

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