Friday, May 16, 2008

Osama Calls For Unending Holy War

And we're supposed to be impressed by this? He's not saying anything that the jihadis in Hamas haven't been saying since they were established decades ago, or the Muslim Brotherhood has been saying, or even the Arab countries ever since 1947. He's not breaking any new ground here- and he's competing with Iran's Ahmadinejad for who gets the most press on calls to destroy Israel.

Osama calls for a Holy War to destroy Israel.
Bin Laden said the fight for the Palestinian cause was the most important factor driving al-Qaida's war with the West and fueled 19 Muslims to carry out the suicide attacks against the US on September 11.

"To Western nations ... this speech is to understand the core reason of the war between our civilization and your civilizations. I mean the Palestinian cause," said bin Laden in the close to 10 minute message.
Once again, it's the disembodied voice. No actual video showing Osama speaking, but rather still shots with an audio overlay, and no tangible evidence that he's still alive. The propaganda wizards at al Qaeda could have easily recycled old messages to create this latest one; that's how original his statements are.

The biggest laugh, however, appears to be a serious case of projection, where he thinks that Israel gets way too much positive news from the media. Apparently, he hasn't been paying attention.

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