Monday, April 21, 2008

Hamas Offers Yet Another Hudna

MSNBC reports this as breaking news. Why?

Hamas is offering yet another one of its patented 10 year hudnas. They do this from time to time when the pressure is too great or when they want to spin the inability of diplomats to make peace between Israel and the terrorists that seek its destruction and refuse to recognize Israel's borders in any way, shape, or form.

Only earlier today did Meshaal say that Hamas refuses Israel's right to exist. Hamas will not abide by any referendum by Palestinians over their own future.

The outcome of this is certain. Israel will refuse to recognize this because it's a sham, but the media, diplomats, and Carter will all claim that Israel is the bad actor here for not taking them up on the offer.

Hamas wouldn't be offering up a strategic pause unless the recent attacks and Israeli counterterrorist measures haven't seriously degraded Hamas' ability to kill Israelis. They offer up hudnas whenever their thugs have been seriously battered and they curtail their efforts only long enough to train the next batch of recruits.

And MSNBC is distorting the definition of hudna to make it appear as though Hamas is offering something concrete.

They aren't, because Hamas will simply use the pause as a time to regroup and rearm for the next phase in its war against Israel.

Israel, for its part, should call it like it is and press its counterterrorism operations to the fullest to break Hamas leadership, but they wont, because the left in Israel and the diplomats wont let them, to say nothing of Olmert's own failures to secure Israel's borders against incessant attacks by the terrorists from Gaza.

As I noted, Hamas wasn't doing anything today that it hasn't done in the past. In fact, Hamas made exactly the same offer in 2006. No acceptance of Israel's right to exist. Nothing. Only that they'd stop firing rockets long enough to start stockpiling them in sufficient numbers so that they will break the hudna at their time and place of choosing.

Yet, the media is puffing up the Hamas hudna offer as though it's serious or should be seriously considered. Hamas has punked the media and Carter in one fell swoop, and their useful idiots have pushed this to no end.

Hot Air and Gateway Pundit both have more. Hot Air also has video of Carter trying to defend his indefensible negotiations with Hamas that blew up in his face mere hours after he claimed to have gotten Hamas to a ceasefire position.

Others blogging: Right Voices, Blatant Reality, and baldilocks.

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