Monday, January 07, 2008

Is Osama Bin Laden Dead? Benazir Bhutto Thought So!

In a November 2, 2007 interview with Sir David Frost on 'Frost Over the World', Benazir Bhutto states that Osama Bin Laden is dead, and Sheik Omar killed him. The video can be found on The Polijam Times website. Unfortunately, the interviewer does not follow up on the statement, which was made during a discussion of a then recent assassination attempt on her life. The revelation is made at the 6:13 minute mark of the video.

What did she know? Is she correct? Is Osama Bin Laden dead? Why was the statement never followed up on during the interview? Was she killed because she knew something she should not have known -- and said it during this interview? It has been speculated that Al Qaeda had a hand in her assassination. Could it have been true? Is this part of Scotland Yard's investigation?

The better question, why did the media never report on this? A major political person, such as Bhutto claims that one of the most wanted men in the world is dead at the hands of Sheik Omar, and not a word on any other web site. I only found out about it after meeting the creator of The PoliJam Times at a party this weekend. Where he found the video, I do not know.

The even better question, is she right? Is Osama visiting his 72 virgins? Did Sheik Omar have a hand in his death? If so, why kill Osama? Why kill him now? Was the most recent Osama Bin Laden message a fake, or recorded much earlier?

Many questions!

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