Friday, January 18, 2008

Derision, Scorn or Pity

How should you feel about the ongoing violence perpetrated by the Palestinian terrorists on Israel? Dozens of rockets fired at Israel with the intent to kill and maim, and the media reacts only when Israel takes action to defend itself. It portrays the Palestinians with pity, and nothing but derision and scorn when Israel defends itself.

Why should I feel pity for Palestinians when Israel closes its borders with Gaza and says that it will limit humanitarian aid into Gaza? Palestinians have used and abused those border crossings. They've smuggled in arms and personnel to carry on their war with Israel. Israel has no obligation to provide a mortal enemy with the very tools needed to bring about Israel's defeat and destruction. Yet, the media reports seek to do just that.

Israel strikes at abandoned ministry buildings, as though that will somehow convince the Palestinians that the Israelis mean business. The only thing that will convince the Israelis that they mean business is if the Israelis commit themselves to unconditionally defeating the Palestinians.

CNN wants you to feel pity for Palestinians. Why else include photos of Palestinian women crying alongside the article? They're crying because the Israelis killed their terrorist relative. I'm supposed to be moved by this?

Israel continues to get hit by kassam rockets and mortars, and those barely get a mention in the article, and invariably in the passive voice, while Israel's response is always in an active voice. It is propaganda in its most insidious form.

Israellycool has been liveblogging events. He's counted 9 kassams and 8 mortars today. Meanwhile, Egypt and Jordan are both looking to put pressure on Israel to curtail its self-defense.

Jammie weighs in on the ongoing media coverage. I pity the media.

Now the EU is getting into the game of trying to pressure Israel to loosen its restrictions on Palestinians in the West Bank. Right, because letting up your guard while Palestinian terrorists continue operating there makes perfect sense.

The Syrians, meanwhile trot out a bunch of Palestinians to protest a massacre that never happened. They're engaging in agitprop based on claims that Israel massacred a bunch of Palestinian terrorists who were actively engaged in a gunbattle with Israeli forces after Palestinian snipers killed an Ecuadorian volunteer on an Israeli kibbutz. The Arab regimes around the region latch on to every action - real or imagined to bludgeon Israel in the media, and the media dutifully reports this without so much as a moment of critical thought or fact checking.

To clarify on a point above. Hamas claims that the ministry building was abandoned. Well, it probably was - if you consider its intent as a government building. Hamas has no interest in administering Gaza - it is intent upon killing Israelis, and the building was likely cover for those operations. I suspect that the reason the Israelis struck the building was because it was most likely an ammunition depot or equipment storage facility for the terrorist group, and Hamas likely lost quite a bit of their equipment in the process. They'll probably have to explain the losses to their bosses in Syria and Iran.

The Israelis also flattened a Hamas' naval facility along the coast in Central Gaza.

Hamas purposefully places their terrorist facilities, ammo dumps, and terrorists in the middle of civilian areas, so it should come as no surprise that Israel's response will be against those facilities. The onus is on the terrorists for all those casualties, but they see the body count as something to be proud of. They'll trot out the civilian victims as martyrs for the cause, which is the destruction of Israel. Anything to undermine Israel's right to exist is highlighted and pushed into the media reporting.

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