Friday, December 07, 2007

Palestinian Restiveness

Yet another car bomb has gone off in Gaza, as Hamas security installations were hit in the latest in a series of bombings. Hamas blamed Fatah, which denied responsibility. Fatah says that Hamas is stealing fuel from Gaza hospitals. Heh.

Yet another kassam rocket hit Israel after being fired from Gaza. Secretary of State Condi Rice instead focused on Israel's proposed construction of homes in Har Homa as being problematic for the peace process. Secretary General of the UN Ban echoed Rice's statements, again ignoring the rockets falling on Israel, like the one that hit an apartment building in Sderot as the occupants were celebrating Hannukah Wednesday night.

The Palestinian terrorists are busily upgrading their rocket capabilities, even as the infrastructure in Gaza decomposes. They're able to store the rockets for a longer period of time, and have extended their range, putting more Israelis at risk of coming under fire.

Israeli Foreign Minister Livni is pushing for an international peacekeeping force in Gaza. No one wants that job. No one.

Livni also says that Israel with evacuate settlements in the West Bank. Good luck convincing the Israeli public that any good will come from that given how the Gaza withdrawal resulted not in peace, but a rocket war that continues to this day.

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