Saturday, December 15, 2007

No Sympathy for the Gazans

Let's see how much sympathy you can generate from this WaPo story carried by MSNBC.

My sympathy meter is pegged at 0.

Gaza's residents screwed themselves and have only themselves to blame for this situation. They've voted for and enabled terrorists to run Gaza, and instead of engaging in building a civil administration and infrastructure, all the Palestinians have done is build rockets with pipes meant for sewage systems and fired 3,500 of them at Israel since Israel withdrew in 2005.

Why should Israel provide anything to Gaza in return? Gaza is clearly at war with Israel, and as such shouldn't be entitled to anything. Yet, the world demands Israel ignore the rocket attacks, the pain and misery inflicted by such attacks and make still more concessions to Palestinians in the name of peace, which the Palestinians repeatedly state is not what they're after. They're after the destruction of Israel.

Still, Israel does provide electricity, food, and medicine to go into Gaza; that is when Hamas isn't busy stealing it or attacking the border crossings.

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