Thursday, December 14, 2006

Instigator of Mass Murder Near Death

Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, instigator behind the 1993 WTC bombing plot, and who was convicted for leading a cell of Islamist terrorists who wanted to blow up New York City landmarks including bridges, tunnels, is near death. Rahman had a long history of inciting others to violence.
In 1993, Rahman was charged with leading a terrorist group that orchestrated the World Trade Center bombing, the 1990 assassination of Jewish Defense League leader Rabbi Meir Kahane, as well as a foiled plot to blow up the United Nations building, the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, and the Manhattan offices of the FBI. Rahman was convicted on these charges in 1995 and sentenced to life in prison.
He was sentenced to life without parole for his criminal acts, but that didn't stop him from trying to get his message out. His attorney, Lynne Stewart, handled that end of things, smuggling messages to his followers overseas. She too was convicted of violating her agreement with the federal prosecutors not to engage in that behavior, and was sentenced to a very lenient 28-month term in prison.

Rahman is one of the spiritual ancestors to Osama Bin Laden, and it was Rahman's followers who convinced al Qaeda to target the World Trade Center for destruction. Al Qaeda and its splinter groups continue to try and carry out attacks against those designated targets to this day.

So what's going on today? Well, Rahman has refused to take medications in the past, and his condition has gotten worse; a fact that was not mentioned in any of the recent articles. Also not mentioned is that his lawyers (including Stewart) tried to exaggerate his health woes in the past; he was said to be in rapidly failing health back in 1997.

Rahman was taken to a medical facility after spitting up blood last week. The FBI sent out a notice to law enforcement to step up their vigilance because Rahman has repeatedly stated that jihadis should strike the US if he died in US custody.

The Blotter has more on his current condition (HT: Ace)

Shakespeare's Sister wonders what exactly we're supposed to do with terrorists if keeping them in prison will spur more terrorists, killing them will spur more terrorists, and appeasing will spur more terrorists. It's a real good question, but if a terrorist is dead, that terrorist can't do much more, except push up daisies. The jihadis are always going to find excuses, but if you eliminate enough of the leaders and theological lunatics who call others to violence, you might have a fighting chance.

The Counterterrorism Blog reminds readers that Rahman was able to gain entry to the US on a tourist visa despite being on a terror watch list and notes the ongoing problems with the visa program.

A few other people have taken note of the lingering existence of such a vile creature as Rahman: Hot Air, Anti-Idiotiarian Rottweiler, Wizbang, Sensible Mom, Noisyroom, The Jawa Report, Residual Forces, The Political Pit Bull, Wake Up America.

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