Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ding Dong? Castro's Done?

Is he dead? Is it official? Does any of this even matter to the very people most affected by the decision; the Cuban people themselves who will have to put up with Fidel's brother Raul until he croaks. At a minimum Castro dying gives the Cuban people a glimmer of hope, and [T]hugo Chavez will have to find a new icon to drool over.

The usual suspects, Val Prieto and Michelle Malkin are on top of the situation. Pajamas Media is trying to track down the rumors.

Val is quite certain he's dead, even if the Cuban government - aka Raul - hasn't made it official. Such is the way of totalitarian regimes with a dose of cult of personality thrown in.

Miami police are on alert (question-when are they not?) South Florida girds for a possible mass exodus from Cuba (gee, why are these kinds of events always towards the US and not away from it if the US is always the bad guy?)

Meanwhile, fellow cult of personality thug L'il Kim Il Jong honored Castro with the title Labor Hero. Perhaps it was all for the thousands of Cubans he worked to death.

Either way, now is the time to watch dead Castro dance!

Others blogging: Flap's Blog, Suitably Flip, and Ed Driscoll.

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