Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Two Somalis Killed For Watching The World Cup

Those Islamists are so tolerant of other cultures and sports. They murdered two people whose only 'crime' was to watch the World Cup.

Soccer (football to those non Americans in the audience).
The hard-line Muslim fighters, who have banned watching television, opened fire after a crowd of teenagers defied their orders to leave a hall where a businessman was showing Tuesday's Germany-Italy match on satellite television, according to Shabelle Radio, an independent local station. It said the businessman and a teenage girl were killed.

Hard-line Muslim fighters, who wrested control of the Somali capital from warlords in June, have forbidden people from watching television or movies in line with their strict interpretation of Islam.

The militants of the Supreme Islamic Courts Council, who have established control in much of the south, have recently moved into parts of central Somalia, including the Mudug region where Tuesday's shooting occurred.
This isn't the first time that the Islamists threatened and attacked Somalis who were watching the World Cup in Somalia.

Others noting the sophistication, culture, and refinement of the Islamists in Somalia and their dispatch of two Somalis for watching the World Cup include: Michelle Malkin, Charles at LGF, Sweetness and Light, Wunderkraut, and RichardFest.

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