Friday, February 17, 2006

Look in the Mirror

Secretary General Kofi Annan loves to hear himself talk. He'd much rather complain about the US military detention facility at GitMo than take any substantive action on the UN peacekeeping forces who habitually abuse women under their care and routinely fail to maintain law and order in the areas that they supposedly are trying to control.

The US is coming under attack because of yet another skewed report claiming that the US is abusing detainees at GitMo. Of course, the detainees are all peace-loving folks who were unjustly captured. Or not.

No, most of those at the facility are there because they were captured on the battlefield - trying to kill US and coalition forces. And many are trained by al Qaeda to lie about their intentions, about their treatment, and all to undermine the US ability to wage war, maintain national security, and beat the US through thousands of little paper cuts.

Annan wants the US to shut the facility, though there's no word on what Annan would do with those detainees. If they're returned to their former countries, you can count on them trying to get back in the war and inflict casualties on US and coalition forces (not to mention the local civilian populations among whom they routinely hide). Annan still not only stuck on stupid, but he's still stuck on a 9/10 mentality where military action to defend national interests is verboten, but that all responses to terrorism must be handled as a law enforcement matter, not a national security matter. And that's even with all the repeated and numerous ties between these terrorist groups and state-sponsors (Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia).

Annan would much rather tackle this issue than deal with the far more serious issues of Iran or Sudan, both of which are totalitarian regimes that are not only repressive, but have either genocidal intentions presently (Sudan) or wish to inflict genocide on their enemies (Iran).

The NY Sun reports that Annan is trying to distance himself from at least some portion of the report by the Human Rights Commission though he's supporting the general proposition. What a weasel.

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