Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hamas Coming to a TV Near You

Just when you thought that television couldn't get any worse, Hamas, who made suicide bombings a household brand, is developing their own network. To compete with Hizbullah, al Jazeera, and CNN as militant Islamic mouthpieces.

Oh, and it's not going to be wall-to-wall suicide bombings. Nope, they're just going to use it as a propaganda outlet, just without all the violence.

Right. I don't buy it in the slightest:
But Captain Kangaroo this is not. The station, named for Islam's third holiest site, is owned by Hamas, the people who helped make suicide bombing a household term.

"Our television show will have a message, but without getting into the tanks, the guns, the killing and the blood," said Mr. Sharawi, sitting in the broadcast studio where he will produce his show.

"I will show them our rights through the history," he said, "show them, 'This is Nablus, this is Gaza, this is Al Aksa mosque, which is with the Israelis and should be in our hands.' "

The new station is part of the militant Palestinian group's strategy to broaden its role in Palestinian politics and society, much as Hezbollah did in Lebanon. The station began broadcasting terrestrially on Jan. 7, and Hamas is working on a satellite version that would give it an even wider reach, like Hezbollah's Al Manar TV, which is watched throughout the Arab world.
The terrorist group is spreading their message of hate, intolerance, and genocidal plans for Jews living in Israel to children who don't know any better and whose parents are wholly receptive to the messages.

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