Thursday, December 29, 2005

Rushing Headlong Towards Nuclear Midnight

As Russia continues to woo Iran into pursuing its nuclear ambitions with Russia providing the nuclear materials that will somehow remain in Russian hands, other reports suggest that Iran is far closer to obtaining nuclear weapons than anyone should find acceptable.

After all, Iran has called for the politicide of Israel - wiping it from the face of the earth. Iran's mad mullahs have every intention of using the nuclear weapons on their multiple enemies - the US, Israel, and the various Sunni-dominated Arab and Muslim countries around the world. Iran already has the missile technology to deliver nuclear weapons to Europe and throughout the Middle East.

The Doomsday Clock was last adjusted in 2002 to 7 minutes to midnight. It's high time that the clock be adjusted. And not for the better. We're seeing additional proliferation of nuclear technologies (as undercovered by the PSI and the AH Khan network) and Iran continues to seek nuclear weapons materials.

My sense of things is that we're inching towards midnight and Russia is aiding and abetting a rogue nation obtain the very materials necessary to destroy or hold hostage more than a billion people along with the bulk of the world's petroleum reserves.

And those nations most threatened by the Iranians aren't likely to stand by and do nothing. Israel certainly can't be expected to idly watch as Iran obtains weapons that it has quite publicly said would be used against Israel.

Atlas Shrugs also notes that Russia is busy cozying up with Syria as well. Considering that many of the terrorists and insurgents engaging American and coalition forces are coming into Iraq from Syria and Iran, the situation deserves more than just closer attention. These two countries are engaging the US in a war with the terrorists as their proxies.

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