Friday, October 21, 2005

What's the UN Supposed To Use? Harsh Language?

Lots of folks are chiming in on the UN report that finds Syria behind the Harari assassination. Captain Ed notes that the report "accuses Syria's Assad dictatorship of knowledge of the plot before its execution, and also points a finger at long-time Syrian stooge Emile Lahoud, the current president of Lebanon." That's not good for Lahoud. And it's even worse for Assad.

Michael Totten, who's reporting from Beirut, notes that Assad's brother in law was specifically named in the plot. So far, Michael notes that Beirut is calm this morning. Let's hope that it lasts.

The Jawa Report also weighs in.

The Right Wing Nuthouse also has a pretty good roundup of opinions.

President Bush wants the UN to take action. Again, I ask the same question. What exactly does Bush want the UN to do? Use harsh language? It's not like the UN is going to authorize force to take out Baby Assad over this although France is on the same side as the US in this instance. That might have something to do with the godawful state of the French economy, but I think it's their late realization that they've got to stop dealing with the totalitarian regimes all the time.

I put the odds of taking military action against Syria at about 10% - high I know, but these are changed times. The harshly worded statement gets a 90% and a strongly worded security council resolution is about 60%.

Mudville Gazette has a roundup from around the world, and has an open trackback.

TMH's Bacon Bits is an open posting. Go check it out.

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