Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This Isn't The Race You're Looking For

Jon Corzine has apparently gotten a lot more than he bargained for when he decided to run for Governor of New Jersey. Doug Forrester has basically tied things up. I know there's still quite a bit of time between now and November, but most folks were considering Corzine to win in a cakewalk.

Forrester has proven to be tougher at this point than most pundits gave him credit for. The ad campaign he's run thus far has been impressive. He's managed to run positive ads that happen to take aim at everything that most voters think were wrong with the prior Administration (McGreevey). He notes family values and faith, both of which are sorely tested by Corzine, who has affairs with women that happen to include the transfer of significant sums of money.

Yet, despite the polling data, many New Jerseyeans think that Corzine will pull things out.

That remains to be seen. Maybe New Jersey realizes that cleaning up the mess in Trenton starts with the basics - someone who has their own house in order. Then again, this is New Jersey, where corruption and government are perfect together.

GOP Bloggers makes similar observations about the race.

Mr. Snitch also takes note of the polling data and thinks that Corzine has reason to be worried but Forrester needs to be a good closer.

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