Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hurricane Cleanup: Weekend Edition

Fatalities from Katrina were everywhere, and not just in the Ninth Ward. Most of the deaths were caused by drowning or ailments made worse by exposure to storm, wind, or flooding. Go figure. They're still trying to figure out where people died because the identification process has been very slow.

New Orleans' population will decrease as a result of the storm. Again, that's not a surprise given that people simply aren't going to return to the problems facing the city - both caused by nature and by state and local government run amok. Whiplash Nagin has worn out his welcome in many quarters because of his about faces, and he's spending time trying to keep the New Orleans Saints in town instead of making sure that infrastructure is adequate. Even if he's spending tons of time trying to single handedly rebuild the city, the impression left by his comments and media coverage is one of misplaced priorities.

Sure, it's nice to have a football team, but with limited money available to the city, it can and must be spent to improve the infrastructure, not make sure that a wealthy football team stays in town.

A roundup from South Mississippi, includes FEMA information, road openings, crime blotters, and letting folks know where they can get Internet access.

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