Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Awaiting Word

Get rid of the pork! It's not kosher!

I've submitted email to both Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) to get their position on how they would pay for the Katrina/Rita reconstruction. I hope that they have a more comprehensive plan than simply throwing money at the problem. It's been tried before and it simply doesn't work.

Oh, and here's a thought. What about BRAC? The Base Realignment and Closure Commission and its findings? Will Congress override the recommendations, which are designed to save billions of dollars over coming years, or will they accept the findings. Sen. Corzine was looking to override the closure of Fort Monmouth, which would save hundreds of millions of dollars. So, despite their opposition to the war in Iraq, and the military in general, when it affects jobs in New Jersey, they'll try to move heaven and earth so as not to anger the voters of the state. Pork for thee, but not for me.

I think they're simply going to call for more spending, and doesn't care that he's using other people's money to do it. Even if it is all IOUs.

Technorati: ; ; and .

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