Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Gaza Arabs Flee To Israel

Most residents of a Gaza Strip Arab village were transplanted to Israel yesterday because they feared Palestinian retaliation for alleged collaboration with Israeli security.
The 250 residents of Dahaniya feared they would be killed once the Israeli army completes its pullout from Gaza in about two weeks.

They sued in Israeli courts to avoid being left behind in Gaza, as had been planned by pullout authorities.

"It is accepted on the Palestinian street that everyone who comes from Dahaniya is a collaborator," said their lawyer, Chaim Mandelbaum. "They are seen as enemies of the Palestinian people."
That's right. People who want peace with Israel are considered collaborators. They're enemies of the terrorist groups because they inform the IDF that the terrorists are planning attacks. These are people who don't want their property used as a base for terrorist operations.

And they're fleeing for their lives because of that decision.

Once again, the Palestinian leadership has shown that it does not want to coexist with the Israelis, for if they did, these Gazans would not have to flee to Israel for safety. The Palestinian leadership would be rounding up the terrorists and shutting down the terrorist groups. However, as we all should know by now, the Palestinian leadership are terrorists. We're talking about the PLO (Fatah being the largest group, but includes the AAMB), Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and Hizbullah. All are trying to exert leadership over the territories. And each is more ruthless than the next.

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