Monday, July 11, 2005

Earth to Moore: These Are Minutemen?!

Michael Moore once commented that the terrorists in Iraq that are busy blowing stuff up really aren't any different than the Minutemen who went on to found the good old United States of America. Heck, Brian Williams of NBC News commented that the terrorists aren't any different than our founding fathers.

So, tell me then whether our Founding Fathers sought to blow up hospitals?

That's right. The terrorists tried to blow up an Iraqi hospital. Not once, but several times in quick succession. And one of these car bombs was quite insidious. Multiple artillery shells in the back, which would have caused some serious problems [ed: understatement of the week].

When will the Left wake up to the real nature of these terrorists? There is no warm and fuzzy place to find accomodation with these sorts of people. They want you dead. They want your family dead. And, they're willing to die for their cause. A perverse sort of rationality governs their actions - they see themselves doing Allah's work, and that they are out to reclaim the glory of an Islamic Age that never actually existed.

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