Sunday, July 31, 2005

Carter's Insane Clown Stylings

Former President Carter doesn't know when to shut his piehole. Former presidents don't criticize sitting presidents. It simply doesn't happen. But Carter routinely opens his mouth to complain about President Bush.

He can't help it. Everything President Bush has done goes against what President Carter did while in office. Iranian terrorists (that's what those students were) invade and occupy the US embassy in Tehran, and hold those hostages for 444 days. The response? A single failed special forces rescue that was ill-conceived and poorly supported by the President. No massive buildup of military force. No invasion by the Marines.

Nothing. So, for 444 days, the country sat there helpless as Islamic terrorists held our citizens hostage.

Now, our current President is in office when Islamic terrorists destroy the WTC, kill nearly 3,000 people in a single morning, and takes decisive action against two countries, both of whom are active supporters of Islamic terrorism. Both regimes are overthrown and new, consensual democratic governments are established.

Islamic terrorists are captured and detained by the score. They're held in civilized conditions in GitMo and other US facilities. Their detention helps provide intel on other terrorists, and prevents these terrorists from harming US interests overseas.

Of course this bothers Carter. After all, these are the kinds of people who he refused to take action against in 1979. His current friends, like Michael Moore don't consider them terrorists. They're freedom fighters.

It's a completely different worldview that Carter believes in. Wonderland really. And we've faced 25+ years of Islamic terrorism because of Carter's failures to decisively deal with it at its outset.

And that, my friends, is why Carter is irrelevant.

Vodkapundit has more, including a laundry list of reasons why Carter should know from shameful behavior. He continues to set, reset, and raise the bar on shameful activities as an ex-President.

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