Monday, June 06, 2005

Why Don't You Be A Good Boy And Die Already!

Frankly, this is about the 100th time this kind of report has surfaced. The guy has been dead more times than I care to follow. What I do know is that if he is dead, it is a good thing.

Zarqawi has the blood of hundreds of dead on his hands. He was a mass murderer. Nothing more.

He was not some heroic minuteman.

He was not serving some noble cause.

He was a cold blooded killer who killed for the sake of killing.

His mission was not one of liberation. His mission was not of resisting an occupying nation. His mission was to inflict pain and suffering on those who didn't believe the way he did.

And now, hopefully he's quite totally dead.

I only wish that we had conclusive proof of his demise. And the demise of his subordinates and/or replacements. Because this fight will continue as long as people think that Zarqawi was on to something with his mass killings. Zarqawi knew that his suicide bombings and mass killings turned Americans off from the grim task of rebuilding Iraq (starting from scratch considering the desperate conditions that Saddam had left the place). They figured that the US would lose its focus and tuck tail and run before long, leaving the place in his lap.

Too bad his misunderestimated his opponents. Too bad by half.

Technorati: Zarqawi, Terrorism, and Iraq.

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