Thursday, June 09, 2005

AI's Artificial Intelligence

AI can't seem to get this human rights violation thing straight. They would much rather go around harassing the duly elected representatives of the US of A rather than call onto the carpet real evil chaps who would toss an AI representative into a gulag without a second thought. In fact, some of the evil chaps that got a pass from AI manage real gulags - North Korea for instance.

If you missed the ABC report from yesterday (and I didn't), you saw that the capital city was virtually deserted. Why? Because the government told everyone to go out in the fields to plant crops or they'll starve to death. Well, the ABC reporter didn't exactly say that - only that the universities, offices, schools, etc., were empty because the government exhorted the citizenry to go into the fields to plant crops. It was the spectre of mass starvation (again) and death (again) that went unsaid.

AI appears to have gone absolutely stark raving mad. They've turned into the HAL 9000 from 2001 - though they've stopped short of homicide.

Again, if you can't notice the sarcasm in portions of my post, don't worry. I'm only exaggerating things because that's my way of getting attention. It worked for AI. It sure as hell can work for me - and I've got the facts on my side.

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