Monday, February 07, 2005

The Farce Continues

Roger L. Simon picks up on this, but one has to shake their head in disbelief over the fact that Cuba, Zimbabwe, and Saudi Arabia are in charge of which complaints will be heard this Spring by the UN Human Rights Commission.

That's right. You read that correctly. Cuba, which has hundreds of political prisoners rotting away in Castro's prisons, Zimbabwe, which has displaced thousands of people, took property from landowners, and committed human rights abuses, and Saudi Arabia, which is a sponsor of international terror, doesn't grant rights to women, and prevents religious observances by those practicing religions other than Islam, get to decide what will be heard before the Commission.

Oh, and other Commission members are no less worrisome. According to Cliff May, "[the Commission] ...includes not only China and Russia but also Sudan, just elected to another three-year term despite Khartoum's role in what the United States government calls genocide against black Muslims in the western Sudanese region of Darfur."

Expect at least a dozen anti-Israel screeds to be submitted and heard. Such is the way of life for the UN.

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