Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Subway Repair Timetable Adjusted

And like that, the timetable goes from 3-5 years to 6-9 months. How is that possible? Well, full service capabilities wont be restored for 3-5 years, but limited service on the A/C lines will be reestablished much sooner.

Even if the A and C trains are restored to their normal rush-hour frequency this year, however, it will indeed take from three to five years and cost between $35 million and $60 million to restore the subway to its previous capability, which includes being able to run northbound trains on southbound tracks, officials said. In the meantime, commuters will continue to suffer crowded trains and platforms on affected lines and neighboring lines as well, they warned.
So far, no word on changes to other relay systems in the subway system to prevent a repeat.

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