Friday, May 13, 2011

Bin Laden Raid Reveals Porn Collection?

The raid that resulted in the US killing Osama bin Laden brought back a treasure trove of intel and terabytes of data. Well, it appears that at least a portion of those terabytes of data included a porn collection. What exactly are we talking about here?

Kinky in Kashmir
Jammin' in Jammu
Burkha'd Heat I-IV
Furry and Lovin' It
Osama does Abbottabad

Should this really surprise anyone? For all their talk about the West's decadence and lack of morals or failures of Osama's fellow Muslims to strictly adhere to his vision of Islam, bin Laden and his minions partook in more than their share of the same decadence (and he was found not in a cave, but in a well to do community in Pakistan albeit with meth-lab shabby chic decor).

Bin Laden was from a monied and elite family. Many of the 9/11 plotters were monied and from professional backgrounds. Zawahiri is from a professional background. They didn't call for jihad because of a lack of money or resources between and among them - but frequently because of the so-called excesses. They'd throw in other pablum, particularly the anti-Israel stuff because the Arab media and Arab street loves that kind of thing.

Osama bin Laden and his followers all claim to adhere to a strict version of Islam, but it seems that the part that manifests most is the hatred of women's rights and violence towards anyone they deem to be an enemy (whether it's the West or those Muslims who don't believe the way they do - as is all to frequently the case in Afghanistan and Pakistan).

We found out after 9/11 that several of the 9/11 plotters visited strip clubs prior to carrying out the attacks, and now we know that bin Laden had a signficant porn stash on his computers. Other terrorists have been caught with online porn collections, and some have used pornographic images to send coded messages (and here).

I think this particular tidbit was released precisely because it shows bin Laden to be nothing more than a hypocrite who had no problems sending others to murder thousands, all while he was comfortable in Abbottabad wanking off to Hot Girls of Hydrabad II.

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