Sunday, May 02, 2010

Sen. Parker's Do-Nothing Charity

New York State legislators frequently create charities to funnel member items to preferred groups. Democrat Sen. Kevin Parker is no exception, except that his charity hits a wee bit closer to home. It's all in the family for him.
A do-nothing Brooklyn charity created with the help of state Sen. Kevin Parker used most of the $18,750 in taxpayer funds he steered to it to hire the brother of his chief-of-staff as a "planning consultant."

The only community program the Building Blocks Local Development Corp. managed to implement since it was created in 2004 was a part-time vegetable stand staffed by local teens at a farmers market on Nostrand Avenue in Brooklyn.

Parker, a Brooklyn Democrat known for angry outbursts and alleged assaults, landed in the news again last week when he flew into a tirade during a discussion of affirmative action at a Senate hearing.

On a radio show the next day, Parker, who is black, called Senate Republicans "white supremacists."
This is just a tip of the iceberg in the clown circus in Albany, and it's a tolerated behavior for far too long.

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