Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Rebuilding of Ground Zero, Part 100

Once again, delays in demolishing the former Deutsche Bank building are causing a ripple of delays throughout the work at the rest of the site. It means that construction of the vehicle security center is now set back yet another year.

Oh, and it will add another $100 million to the cost as a result of delays.

Meanwhile, a NY Times editorial is guardedly optimistic over last week's deal between the Port Authority and Larry Silverstein, even though the facts would suggest that this is simply a restatement of the existing mess and that all of the towers proposed in the master plan will not get built.

There isn't any reason to throw confetti; most of the office space destroyed in the 9/11 attacks isn't being rebuilt anytime soon, and that means that Lower Manhattan will see companies seek to do business elsewhere rather than work in and around an ongoing construction site for years without end.

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