Monday, October 05, 2009

IAEA: Iran Testing Nuclear Warhead Designs

So much for Iran claiming that they're interested solely in peaceful uses of nuclear power. The IAEA admits that Iran is working towards nuclear weapons and missile technologies enabling the regime to fire nuclear weapons at Europe, Israel, and much of the Middle East.
Iran has the capability to produce a nuclear bomb and has tested how to make a warhead capable of striking Israel and parts of southern Europe, according to a secret report by the UN's atomic energy watchdog.

The report, a secret annex to the International Atomic Energy Agency's annual report, is based possibly on evidence smuggled out of Iran by the wife of a spy working for the Germans.

The report, excerpts of which were posted on the Internet over the weekend, concludes that Iran already "has sufficient information to be able to design and produce a workable implosion nuclear device."

It presents evidence that Iran has done extensive research and testing on how to make components of a nuclear payload to be delivered by the medium-range missile known as Shahab 3.

The finding goes beyond America's official stance and could complicate talks in Geneva to prevent Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

In 2007, American intelligence agencies reported that Iran had suspended its research into making a nuclear warhead in 2003. That assessment was rejected by Britain and France, whose position mirrors that of the IAEA secret report.
Iran never gave up the ghost of obtaining nuclear weapons and the means to attack its enemies throughout the region and into Europe. They are hellbent on nuclear blackmail, and it once again points out that the Bush Administration was right to indicate Iran's intentions to pursue nuclear weapons even as the CIA and the media lambasted the administration over similar claims that turned out to be wrong in the case of Iraq.

Every day that Iran goes without sanctions and investigators scouring the country for more signs of the Iranian nuclear weapons program, is another day that Iran continues to operate its centrifuges in pursuit of the very materials necessary to build the nuclear weapons that would be used to fulfill the regime's ideological and religious obligations.

That Iran has allowed inspectors to see the facility at Qom just goes to show that they're playing for time. Observers have been noting for some time now that Iran has more than a dozen suspected nuclear weapons development sites, and Iran must expect that showing a second facility (the first being the already recognized at Natanz) would give them the opportunity to have the world look at a dog and pony show while work continues unabated elsewhere.

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