Thursday, August 06, 2009

Senate Confirms Sotomayor 68-31

The outcome was never in doubt. Judge Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed by the full US Senate 68-31. She will be sworn in with more than enough time to start the October session of the Court.

Congratulations to Justice Sotomayor and my only hope is that she follows the law and the US Constitution and doesn't freelance policy into her decisions.

The GOP that voted for her confirmation may not be in the good graces with the conservative elements within the party, but they did do the right thing by confirming a candidate who was qualified for the position, even if you can disagree with her policy positions and judicial philosophy.

That was the quandary faced by the Senate Republicans, and while some pursued the political angle to denounce her policy choices and preferences, the job of the US Senate is to weigh the qualifications, not the policy choices.

I know that's now how this process has been handled, but that's how it should be done. The Democrats repeatedly did this to eminently qualified GOP nominees, including Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito.

What this does is lay the groundwork for the next confirmation when that eventually occurs.

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