Sunday, August 30, 2009

House Democrats Continue Rallying Around Rangel

This is absolutely nonsense. House Democrats say that they're willing to rally around Rep. Charles Rangel despite his multiple tax infractions, ethics violations, and clear and convincing evidence of being a tax cheat.

They say that they'll continue to do so unless more embarrassing information comes to light.

The House Democrats have turned the swamp of corruption into their personal swimming pool despite Speaker Nancy Pelosi's claims that she would clear the corruption from Congress.

If any of these Democrats meant what they had said about eliminating corruption and criminal actors from their midst, Rangel would have been jettisoned from the House Ways and Means Committee Chairmanship long ago.

His malfeasance has been listed here previously, but a sampling shows that Rangel has clear disdain for the tax laws of city, state, and federal tax authorities. Rangel is the chair of the committee that sets tax law at the federal level, and it is all too clear that he has one notion of tax enforcement for him, and one for everyone else.

Democrats wont jump ship from Rangel unless he's done "something insane."

I guess failing to disclose hundreds of thousands in stock transactions, failing to disclose property ownership, sales, and rental income, lying on mortgage applications, lying about his residency status for rent stabilization purposes, violating rent stabilization laws in New York, using the House parking lot in violation of House guidelines (and failing to report the imputed income from using that parking lot as long term storage), doesn't quality as "something insane."

It looks like Democrats have no problems with any of that. In fact, they'll more than look the other way.

And that means that more than Rangel needs to go. So do the House Democrats who shelter Rangel from the repercussions of his gross malfeasance.

Instapundit thinks that this is a way that Democrat leaders can somehow control Rangel. I'm not so sure, given that Rangel and Pelosi are on the same page when it comes to taxing the beejebus out of Americans and have every intention of passing Obamacare. I think this is willful blindness on their part to overlook Rangel's malfeasance.

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