Friday, July 17, 2009

Campaigner In Chief Comes To New Jersey To Talk Health Care

President Obama was in New Jersey yesterday trying to prop up the dead wood formerly known as Jon Corzine. Corzine was a prop for Obama, and the appearance had nothing to do with bolstering Corzine or his fading chances, but rather was a campaign stop to try and get people to buy into his baffling BS that the health care proposals would save money in the long run, which is contradicted by the CBO's own analysis, showing that all of the plans will end up hitting taxpayers up for even more money that they don't have.

It's smoke and mirrors, and it's what Obama does best. He isn't commanding or leading. He's campaigning. He's making promises he knows he can't keep. It's all he knows how to do since he has never had executive level experience at any point in his life. So, he's spending his time politicking and trying to convince people that we must take immediate action on a problem that isn't the problem that Obama and his fellow Democrats make it out to be.

By that, I mean the Democrats conflate access to health care with the cost of that care. Everyone in the US has access to health care. People may balk at the cost of that care, but the President's plans do not reduce the costs. Instead, they spread those costs out across all taxpayers, meaning that taxpayers will still higher bills at the end of the day - higher tax bills, and higher health care bills because cost containment isn't going to happen. If cost containment was a possibility, Massachusetts and other states that have imposed their own brand of universal health care wouldn't be suffering from deficits and need to severely scale back their plans because of budgetary constraints.

Instead of letting the states figure out how to provide health care to their residents as they see fit, the President is hoping for a one-size fits all approach that makes no fiscal sense, which will cost trillions more than the already oversized plan suggests, and will not achieve the goal of providing quality health care to all Americans. If the government can't provide quality health care to Native Americans or veterans, why should anyone believe that the Administration will provide quality health care to all Americans?

Obama and Corzine hoped to raise more than $1 million for Corzine's reelection efforts. I'm supposed to feel sorry that Corzine lost quite a bit of his fortune due to the ill-winds of Wall Street? Hardly. He's trying to hit up millionaires to make up his personal shortfall, even as he's busy soaking the same group with surtaxes and Obama is planning on hitting them up for covering the health care makeover fiasco. The cognitive dissonance among these prospective donors is astounding.

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