Friday, June 12, 2009

Resettling the Uighurs in Tropical Paradises Continues

President Obama said he'd close Guantanamo Bay and relocate the detainees. He never said how or where. Over the past few days, he's taken a chance on figuring out what to do with one particular group; the Uighurs currently held and which would have been sent to China but for the fact that China considers them terrorists and insurrectionists and which the US believes would have been tortured or treated harshly by the Chinese government.

Instead, several will be sent along to the tiny nation of Palau in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. It's a tropical paradise.

Today, we learn that four more will be going to Bermuda.

Bermuda? I've never been to Bermuda, and these thugs are getting there at US taxpayers' expense. I heard it used to be an awesome place to visit.

The kicker is that the US will not let these people back into the US because we consider them a threat, but not so much of a threat that we're willing to let someone else take a chance on them, even though they have admitted to being at the al Qaeda and Taliban training camps in Afghanistan and Tora Bora.

US courts previously determined that the Administration had to do something with the Uighurs, and this is what they came up with. Of course, this new policy runs afoul of the political realities and harms our relations with our allies, which is a regular occurrence under the Obama Administration.

It also rankled the locals, who weren't exactly enthralled with the idea of taking in terrorists who have cohabited and rubbed shoulders with terrorists who regularly attacked tourist destinations throughout the world. Palau and Bermuda are heavily dependent on tourist revenues, and a perceived hit in their reputations could have serious monetary consequences.

Palau got $200 million from the US to take in its share of the Uighurs. There's no word on how much Bermuda got, but it got the British upset (Bermuda is a British protectorate). Palau doesn't have relations with China, but that hasn't stopped China from demanding that they hand over these guys for trial on undisclosed charges.

More telling is the fact that the US wont be releasing any of the detainees into the US, which should be a telling fact. For all the talk from Democrats in Congress about how we have to release detainees, none were willing to take these thugs into their own districts. The problem was never Guantanamo Bay per se, but the impression of the place as set by the Left, which was opposed to the Bush Administration at all costs.

Via Hot Air:

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