Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Order of the Domestic Policy Battle

Rep Charles Rangel (D-NY-Tax Cheat) wants to get to the climate change bill done before the health policy reform bill is taken up.

There's no word on how the higher costs associated with imposing the climate change plan will be offset for low and middle income families - yet another hidden tax on all Americans that will increase costs and reduce the amount of money in the pockets of all Americans.

Meanwhile, the health care reform bill may include items that remove "tax preferences" for employer-sponsored health insurance.

Given that the Democrats control both the House and the Senate, whatever plan is ultimately adopted on both fronts will be done regardless of what Republicans are able to do. They don't have the numbers to filibuster, and while they might be able to win some concessions on the fringes, these massive spending bills (and make no mistake, but they are spending bills) will impose new and onerous regulations on American businesses at a time when they can least afford it.

Let's call it what it is - the Administration isn't going to stand in the way of massively taxing private health insurance so as to increase the percentage of Americans who have health insurance.

This is sending the health care delivery system down the same path to ruin that the government imposition of affordable housing on the nation has wrought. This will result in further market distortions and reduce in worse health care delivery - and the number of people covered will be a worthless statistic when the actual care being delivered is reduced from its current levels (where anyone can obtain care, but the cost is what people worry about).

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