Monday, June 08, 2009

I Can Sympathize

Having broken my own ankle at the end of March, I can truly sympathize with Sonia Sotomayor today. She broke her ankle after taking a tumble at LaGuardia Airport to catch a flight to Washington, DC to meet with Senators on Capitol Hill.

Like Sotomayor, I was able to get around and run errands while hobbling around. Expect Sotomayor to be hobbling around on crutches for a couple of days before she starts hobbling around on an orthopedic boot. She'll be back to her normal routine in about six weeks, which is the typical healing time, although I feel a twinge every now and then.

Looks like she had a more significant fracture than I first thought (see the photo added). They've put her in a fiberglass cast, which suggests that it required more stabilization than a walking boot could provide.

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