Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Surprising Statistic of the Day

I knew that New York City was one of the most restrictive environments in which to lawfully carry firearms, but I didn't think it was that restrictive.

New York City is home to 8 million people.

Only 37,000 are licensed to carry firearms in the City. That works out to 0.2% [fixed thanks to shout out from anonymous emailer] (excluding former law enforcement officers and security guards) of the population that are entitled to possess firearms in all of New York City.

It's astounding to believe that the City considers a fraction of a percent trustworthy to carry firearms or obtain firearms for their homes. While the City is immeasurably safer now than it has been in decades, one has to wonder whether the city would have been safer still if the City were not so restrictive on its firearm policy.

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