Friday, December 19, 2008

No Salvation For Zimbabwe

Robert Mugabe continues to cling to his power with ruthless determination. He's busy blaming everyone but himself for the current situation in his country. Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Africa, but now is suffering from rampant starvation and preventable diseases like cholera are rampaging through the country.

Mugabe has claimed that the cholera outbreak was due to the US and British engaging in biological warfare and simultaneously claimed that there was no such outbreak.

Today's latest outrage is that he's broken off talks with Morgan Tsvangirai's opposition party over power sharing.

"Zimbabwe is mine" says Mugabe.
"I will never, never, never, never surrender. Zimbabwe is mine, I am a Zimbabwean. Zimbabwe for Zimbabweans. Zimbabwe never for the British, Britain for the British," Mugabe told his party’s annual conference.

The veteran leader in the former British colony said he would remain until "his people decide to change him."

While the comments struck a familiar tone for the 84-year-old leader - he said earlier this year that only God could remove him from office - he now faces increasingly grim circumstances in his crippled country.
That's all you need to know about this sick and demented thug who has destroyed a country and sent neighboring countries scurrying about to deal with the overflowing humanity trying to gain medical care and refuge from Mugabe's regime.

Mugabe threw the elections twice and refused to step down. He's refused to share power with the opposition party, and nothing short of a coup will remove him from power as the military and his thugs continue to support him.

Mugabe's stay in power could have been shortened had the South Africans taken a stronger stand against his thuggish behavior leading up to the elections in March and their support of Mugabe in the aftermath of the disputed election is despicable.

Mugabe is also boasting that no other African nation will come and topple him. On that, Mugabe is right. The African Union is powerless to deal with this thug especially with countries like South Africa opposed to military action, and the humanitarian crisis will persist as long as the Zimbabwean people remain under his control.

By refusing to take military action against Zimbabwe, South Africa is contributing to the continuing mess by reducing the pressure on Mugabe to step aside for the benefit of the Zimbabwean people.

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