Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Stay Classy Leftists

TalkLeft's Jeralyn Merritt thinks that the Palin pregnancy news is going to prod the McCain campaign to dump Sarah Palin just days after announcing her as his running mate.

What's in the water there Ms. Merritt? Apparently a whole lot of self-declared progressives are showing their bias openly and overtly. How exactly does her daughter's pregnancy or her own pregnancy with Trig disqualify her as a running mate? And it would appear that the same progressives have a math problem. Figures. And the same progressives are running all manner of smear about Bristol's fiance, who is 18.

It's always entertaining to listen to Obama supporters talk about how the process of running for President somehow inures executive experience on Sen. Obama's clear lack of executive experience and minimal accomplishments outside of actually winning his seat in the legislature where his most popular vote was present and who has practically spent his entire Senate career chasing the Presidency.

Palin's experience compared with that is voluminous. Mayor of her home town followed by being governor of the state of Alaska. That's more executive experience than either Obama or Biden for that matter.

Jay Tea
provides the lessons of the Left - and how they are being applied to the Palins. Once again, progressives aren't very progressive. Troglodytes are more like it.

And there are possible ties between the Obama campaign and the Palin smears too, via Daily Kos. Classy. Very classy. Even if there is no link between the rumors and the Obama campaign, Obama's supporters will quite likely lose the election for him because of their thuggish actions.

Let me also get this straigh
t. The Daily Kos crowd rejected out of hand the Edwards-Hunter affair, but is buying the entire Palin pregnancy nonsense hook, line, and sinker. Curious how that works.

The Bristol Palin story has swamped the media's coverage of the GOP convention as well, if they bother posting on it except as a tangent to their coverage of Hurricane Gustav. The NYT is providing wall to wall coverage of Bristol Palin's pregnancy and how it is supposedly throwing the GOP convention into a tizzy. Sorry, but the only folks in a tizzy are the "progressives" who can't believe that a young woman might want to keep their child and marry the father.

Merritt's post specifically starts off with the title:
Pool: What Day Will Sarah Palin Drop Out?
She goes on to talk about how unprepared for governance and would appear to frame the question in terms of politics, but she clearly understands her audience's predilection to talk about the family situation because she's instituted a zero tolerance policy for any mention of Palin's family. Why exactly is that necessary? Is she so worried that her readers will make the natural assumption on their part that Palin's pregnancy (either of them) would somehow make Palin unfit for office?

Then again, her substantive points are hysterical. Gov. Palin was governor of Alaska for 18 months and a mayor of her town for several years. Where's all of Obama's executive experience? There isn't any. Running for office isn't executive experience, or else Ralph Nader would be supremely qualified since he's been running for President seemingly since Palin or Obama have been in diapers.

Merritt would have us think that McCain didn't vet Palin, based on whose version of events? Some disgruntled GOPers in Alaska, who Palin had taken on in one form or another after unseating the sitting GOP Governor in the primary election and defeated the ex-Governor in the general election? Palin's claim to fame was as a reformer and targeting corruption, both inside and outside the GOP. She didn't make many fans among the elected officials, taking on the likes of Sen. Ted Stevens (R). Yet, that's exactly what she did.

The NYT isn't exactly fact checking either, having based claims that Palin wasn't a life long Republican on the words of who exactly?

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