Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin's Fine Speech: Now the Hard Part

Like Sen. Barack Obama last week, Governor Sarah Palin delivered a fine speech tonight introducing herself to the American people and delivering a forceful argument against the Obama/Biden ticket.

Palin's selection as Sen. John McCain's running mate certainly shook things up, and got the media into an absolute tizzy, to say nothing of the frothing "progressives" who sneer at the very idea that a woman is running on the Republican ticket.

The contrasts between the two campaigns couldn't be any clearer. As Palin noted, the Democrats simply cannot come to terms with the idea of victory in Iraq and the only time the word victory comes to mind, it's only in terms of their political chances. The Democrats have put politics ahead of country, and it will be to their everlasting detriment. People are having their eyes opened to the venomous attacks on Palin's family, and she handled those attacks with dignity and grace. She poked fun at the grandiose extravaganza that the Obama campaign put on at Invesco Field.

She also provided a solid defense for the Republican ticket, noting the clear disparities in experience, judgment and character.

Still, there is much to be done between now and election day. The sprint is on to convince the rest of America - that vital segment of undecided voters and independents, that Palin was the right choice and can withstand the scrutiny. Tomorrow, John McCain will deliver his most important speech to date, making the attempt to define the rest of his campaign and to show that his vision for America is one that most Americans are simply more comfortable with. An America whose best days still lie ahead, and that change for change's sake isn't a policy. He's got to show that if you want change - to get rid of corruption and graft, to get lower taxes and a stronger economy - you need to choose the candidates who have a solid policy platform to get there.

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