If the left couldn't get President Bush, they were hoping to get Bush's brain, Karl Rove. Sadly for them, they'll get no one because Richard Armitage admitted to being the leaker of Valerie Plame's name to Richard Novak. There was no criminal action on the part of the Administration, despite the protestations of Joe Wilson and his wife, whose work at the CIA was a known fact.
Now, the Court of Appeals in Washington affirmed the dismissal of the case brought by Wilson and Plame against Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove and others for releasing the name of Plame in the course of discussing Wilson's exploits in Niger. The court affirmed that all those named defendants were acting in their official capacities and could not be personally liable.
Despite this second setback to their case, Plame's legal team still thinks they have grounds on which to appeal. They simply don't realize how foolish they look trying to sue the Administration when the guy who outed them was against the war in Iraq - Richard Armitage. Scooter Libby was caught in a perjury trap, and was not charged with any crimes directly relating to outing Plame.
They simply refuse to admit that they don't have an actionable case and that they have only themselves to blame for their situation. The appeals court refused to find a constitutional right and refused to create a cause of action for them.
The comments at Think Progress (a misnomer if there ever was one) are priceless. They cannot stand the fact that the courts will not let the Plame case move forward against the Administration. They are so consumed with unending hatred of the Administration that they can't see that the facts and the law simply do not support their position.
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